My inspiration starts with love, patience, and understanding. All things that are important with family, friends, and loved ones. I am an educated, mother of 1 who loves to travel the world, enjoy life, and most importantly care for my family and our health. Every person has the desire to feel beautiful, enriched and inspired, loved, and wanted. My line was created to do just that! Create beauty from within with motivation & and positivity through my Butterfly Blogs and create beauty outside with organic, natural body care.
To feel positivity and strength after each use of my products. To feel refreshed, renewed, and empowered. Beauty products should not be filled with fake ingredients that damage your body. We must take care of ourselves and our bodies!!
When I started Inner U Beauty in 2019, I had been struggling with my health and developed food allergies as an adult. Things I was eating were making me sick and the things I used on my skin were causing severe irritation. I became more focused on what I put inside of my body as well as what I used on the outside of my body. I want to share my experiences, knowledge, and inspiration with others because we need to be more aware and conscious of how we treat our universe and our bodies.
My business started small but my vision is BIG! My ingredients are organic, and natural and do not contain any harmful dyes or chemicals. Every single product I make by hand, with love and care. I have researched and crafted my own recipes for each product and I love sharing them all with you! After more research and input from my community, I hope to continue expanding and providing the best products for my customers and family.
I hope that you will give me the opportunity to share my passion with you and your family.
Thank you!
Founder, Owner & Creator
If you want to fly,
give up everything that weighs you down.